Wednesday, July 7

{Wordless Wednesday - Bubble Edition}

**I can't even BEGIN to tell you all how PISSED I am at Blogger/Google/etc...not only have I not been able to schedule new posts, but all of my past posts decided that they didn't want to go up at their scheduled time! So, now I am left with a huge list of posts that need to be posted - and read by you fine folks :) In addition, Blogger decided to delete - yes, you heard correctly, DELETE - all the my favs whom I was following!!! It might take me a while...but I will find you all again...I promise!!!**

...and now...a blast from your past...FUN WITH BUBBLES!!!


Allison aka Scooty's Mom said... 1

So sorry to hear about all the issues....but on a happier note you little one is adorable.

Annie said... 2

Those pictures are SO stinking cute!!

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