In any case, co-hosting Monday Minute from 7/5 was Jana from http://boobiesbabiesblog.blogspot.com/...she is GREAT...follow her NOW!!
- Who of all your blog friends would you like to meet and/or who have you met?
Currently I am trying to schedule a play-date with one blogger friend in particular...I'm sure pictures will be posted once we get together - stay tuned!!
- What kind of vehicle(s) do you drive?
I drive a FABULOUS dark blue Mitsubishi Endeavor...I love my car!!
- What kind of cell phone do you have?
I am the proud owner of a violet colored CrackBerry - I mean BlackBerry...it is addictive and I love every second of it!!
- What's the most annoying thing you wish bloggers would stop doing?
I really dislike that random wordthatisntreallyaword verification thingy...yeah, it stinks that people hijack your comments section sometimes, but those are easy to delete...just sayin' :-)
and finally...
- What's the one thing that you still have on your bucket list to do before the year is out?
I'm sure there will be plenty of things still on my bucket list by the time this year comes to a close...one of the things I hope is NOT on my list is having baby Kumquat...this kid better be on time - or better yet, I'll get induced early :) We shall see!!!
I keep forgetting - when are you due?
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