Jen from http://www.adailyscoopofchaos.
- Can you burp the ABC's?
As much as I have tried to force out a burp...it usually ends in a vurp...so I stopped trying. Alas, this is NOT one of my hidden talents :( *sads
- So lets just say you have a 9+ hour drive ahead of you would you consider wearing Depends so you didn't have to stop multiple times?
As much as I love driving, I think I'm going to have to say no...I enjoy stopping at random truck stops to get gas and a bottle of water or something. Sometimes I get lucky and there are girl scouts selling cookies...smart girls, I tell you, smart girls!!
- Would you rather...run your tongue down five feet of a NYC street or press your tongue into a strangers nostril?
Hmm...well...I have been to NYC...I have also seen some hideous nostrils!! If I had to pick one, though, I would definitely rather press my tongue into a stranger's nostril. My logic pretty much goes like this - we all pretty much breathe the same air so the inside of our nostrils are about the same...but a NYC street sees more action than a lot of hookers I've seen on Law & Order...it just seems like the safer choice.
- If you had an envelope that contained the date you would die would you open it?
I don't think anyone can really say what they would do in this situation. I'd like to think that I would just leave the envelope alone and live each day to the fullest. I know that is an ideal scenario and I would probably open it...I am horrible with patience and waiting!!
- Which one song describes your sex life best?
Pour Some Sugar On Meeeeeeeeeeeee ;-) (at least my pre-preggo sex life...HA!)
I voted if you've licked an NYC street, you don't need to open the envelope... ;)
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