The co-host from 7/26 was Kmama. Again, sorry for being so behind...baby brain is getting to me!
- Who is your "what-if" person? (What-if person being what if I married this person or am now in a relationship with "this" person)
I only have one what-if person...his name is John. I went to college with him and we frequently partied together - both being involved in Greek life on campus. We never really got the chance to act on anything in college since we were both in relationships, but we always had feelings for each other. After graduating, I stayed in the area and he moved to NYC to become a daytime soap star. I got married and he ended up splitting with his long-time girlfriend. I've seen him a few times since then - and we've played the what-if game...but marriage isn't his thing, really and I wanted a family. He is now living in California to act and I'm happy for him!!
- What is your nickname?
Alas, I'm not cool enough for a nickname :( It makes me a little sad...but only a little!
- If you could choose how you died, how would you like to die?
I've always said I wanted to be shot in the back by an angry husband...not my angry husband...the angry husband of some hot trophy wife. If I have to explain it...well, then it just isn't worth it. Enjoy that visual ;)
- If you could have named yourself, which name would you have picked?
I really like my name, so I don't think I would have changed it. I am having fun naming the kiddos, though...because you have to have fun with something as an adult!!
- Who were you named after or for what reason did your parents choose your name?
I was named after both of my grandmothers. My first name is after my father's mother - and my middle name is after my mother's mother. Sometimes I wish they would have gotten a little more creative...but I am making up for it with my kids' names!!
haha - I think my what if person might be named John too. Or Matt Damon... ;)
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