Friday, January 15

Lesson #48 - Hooters Is A Great Birthday Party Location

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**Disclaimer: We were in a non-smoking area of the babies were harmed in the making of this birthday party**

I wanted to post about this particular experience because of The Princess's post from yesterday.

Oh, did I mention this birthday party was for a 7-year-old girl?? ROCKED!! The babe was only a month old. I wanted to get out of the house. One of my friends was having a birthday party for her daughter's 7th birthday on Saturday.

So I packed up the babe the day before and off we went to Toys R Us to find the perfect birthday present. I'm really shocked that I had the presence of mind to get a birthday gift for the poor girl. Anyways, the babe and I finally got the best gift EVER - a Hannah Montana karaoke game that hooks up to the even came with a wig and sparkly microphone!! Then we stopped at a craft store so I could pick up some cursive-looking stickers to make a birthday card. This is what I came up with finally:

I thought it was pretty damn creative ~ especially since I was still in my postpartum haze!!!, the following day - with baby and very cool gift in hand - I set off to my local Hooters restaurant. Wait. What. Where was I going?? Oh yes, I said Hooters alright!!

My girlfriend is a little rough around the edges - I'll admit - but she makes the most wonderful cakes you've ever tasted!! She made a birthday cake when hubs turned 30 - and found out he was going to be a daddy - and a wedding for our big day!! I'm telling you one can turn a Harvey Wallbanger into a cake like my friend.

Once the babe and I arrived, the birthday girl wanted to hold her. While I was a little cautious about this I agreed. The pink-haired birthday girl took a seat and into her arms went the babe. I was so proud of the shirt the babe was wearing - it said B.Y.O.B (bring your own bottle)...I felt it was appropriate. This is the birthday girl and the babe:

They looked so cute together!!! Everyone else was pretty much there - and no, I wasn't the only one with a baby in tow - so my girlfriend decided it was cake time...before the adults started to dig in without allowing the candles to even be lit! When I saw the cake I really couldn't believe it.'ll see what I mean:
In case you can't really make it out - it is a Hooters girl wearing a white shirt. See those boobs?? They look so realistic, don't they?? What, you can't see them?? Here...let me highlight them...

Oh yes, my fine blog-topia followers...those are nipples. Not just any nipples, though, but Hershey Kiss nipples. I didn't believe it when she told me, but those were the birthday girl's idea. Mom was just going to make plain boobs...but no, plain boobs just wouldn't do!

So, you see my friends...Hooters is the perfect location for a 7-year-old's birthday party...if for nothing else than to take pictures which can be used as blackmail later on in your child's life!!!


Nicole @ Chic and Cheap Nursery said... 1

I would never have imagined any kids party at Hooters but there you have it!

Nipples aside, how was the cake???

Thanks for entering my giveaway for The Corner Stork.

I just tagged you on my blog in hopes that we will get to know each other better :)

Holly Lefevre said... 2

OMG - I was just having a hooters and the kids convo yesterday. We took my son there after the Wiggles concert...kind of fits. My family would do this...but maybe leave off the Hershey Kisses.

Holly @ 504 Main

Liz Mays said... 3

That's hilarious! I still haven't been to a Hooters and I'm a lot older than the birthday girl!

Tricia said... 4

Obviously, I fail in the parenting department, as I do boring things like have my kids birthday parties at the bounce place and the gym. Bouncing and gymnastics have nothing on Hooters.

Andrea said... 5

Oh my goodness! That is too funny. Seriously. Wow. Looks like a cute - uhm - cake!

MommyLisa said... 6

Wow. That girl could grow up to be Charlie Sheen's seventh or eighth wife.


said... 7

Oh wow, that is some cake! I can't get over the nipples - and that they were the 7-year-old's idea. Hilarious.

This reminds me of the time my mom and I went to visit her parents in Florida. I was probably around 12 or 13. My grandpa was SO excited to take us to this new restaurant he and my grandma had found that had the BEST chicken sandwiches.

Um, yeah. It was Hooters.

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said... 8

this is by far the most original and hysterical birthday Ive ever seen or heard about--- the cake is the topper! lol

Mae Rae said... 9

That is the greatest thing evah! Okay, so I wouldn't do it for my kid, but it is great that she had fun. and BTW freaking georgeous baby!

The Princess of Sarcasm said... 10

My prince will be happy to know that I inspired a post about boobs. ;)

Anonymous said... 11

Very funny! The hershey kisses were a nice touch.

By the way the lettering on the shirt was very creative and cute. I might borrow that idea when my nephew or nieces have a birthday!

Michelle said... 12

Oh my WORD! That is too funny!! And how creative of the birthday girl! :)

Found your blog through a comment on Cop Mama!

Baby Sweetness said... 13

OK, that is hysterical!

Margaret said... 14

LOL I love it! What a great place for a party!

Andrea said... 15

That is just too much! Stopping in from SITS.
Have a good weekend!

Allison aka Scooty's Mom said... 16

This is great!! My husband wants to have my little boy's 1st birthday party there in April. In fact he has wanted this I believe since before Scott was born.

Shell said... 17

That is hilarious! I have to be sure Hubs doesn't read this or he will want our boys' next bday parties there.

Shandal said... 18

OMG, I have to say that is the weirdest theme for a 7 yr old's birthday party. Too funny!

This Mama Works It! said... 19

OMG that is so funny! That mom sounds like a blast! Love the hersey nipples. Stopping by from SITS!

Cara said... 20

stopping by from SITS! I have given a lot of kiddie parties in my day but never at Hooters...interesting.Happy Saturday Sharefest!


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said... 21

I cannot believe this!!!! I'm at a loss of words... and we both know that doesn't happen very often. Whose idea was this???

When I was in college, I thought Hooters was actually a topless bar. Then DH took me there the first time I met his family, and I realized, it's just a HOOCHIE bar. LOL.

Confessions From A Working Mom

AiringMyLaundry said... 22


Now I'm tempted to have my son's birthday at Hooters.

Helene said... 23

I haven't been to Hooters in ages!! What a blast to have a birthday party there...that's the kind of parent I am. Who needs Chuck E cheese??

The cake is awesome!

Anonymous said... 24


G said... 25

this is so great and so funny! I was a hooters girl did you know this? Its true.

Sara said... 26

I guess if it worked for Adam Sandler in Big Daddy then it can work for 7-year old girls, too!

MrsBlogAlot said... 27

This was great and I loved the highligted nipples! Now that's a cake! I always wanted to be a hooter girl but I was more than a few Hershey kisses short (-"

Tracie said... 28

Having a kid's b-day party at Hooters sounds like a great way to ensure that the dad's participate, too.

Confessions of a Mother, Lawyer & Crazy Woman said... 29

Hysterical!!!!!!!! Love the look on her face.

Unknown said... 30

I love this anecdote is typical of the parent who does not know that giving their children on the day of his birthday, the gift you mentioned I should have loved your daughter, that she does not love hannah montana. I need to organize the party for my 5 year old son and I am preparing to buy viagra.

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