Wednesday, September 14

{Pour Your Heart Out - Dear The Man}

I really don't want to "go there"...but I feel it is necessary. This post could be considered graphic (no pictures, and not in a sexual way) and may offend some people...turn back now if you want.

Dear The Man,

I really can't count the ways that I love you - there are too many to list. You are an upstanding citizen and a loving person - I respect you for who you are and who you make me. After the other night, though, my respect for you has diminished a tad - and this is why.

I don't mind you playing video games - in fact, I have purchased quite a few for you in the past. It is a way for you to release some of your work tension and relax...which is fine by me. It doesn't interfere with family time and you never chose gaming over personal hygiene, which is, again, fine by me. This night in particular, though, your actions made me nauseous - so much so that I, in fact, vomited in our bathroom after running up the stairs.

You said you had a new game that you wanted to play - one that was borrowed from a co-worker. I thought nothing of it and decided to actually watch you play for once while simultaneously reading blog posts in the background. Then the moment came, it was at the beginning of the game, where everything about the plot was described in detail.

A man was minding his own business until a group of thugs came into his home and kidnapped him. This man was put on a bus - after being kicked down some stairs while blindfolded. While on the bus, the man witnessed others lined up on the sidewalk - with bags over their heads. They were being beaten - almost to death - while begging for their lives. As the bus continued down the road, I saw something that no one should EVER have to see. At first I heard a child crying and thought it could be one of our own...but it wasn', the cries I heard were coming from the game itself. In front of 2 gunmen, a man stood against a wall with his hands tied behind him...begging for his life. To the right of one gunman stood a child - no more than 4 or 5 - crying and screaming. Then - just like that - 2 shots and the man against the wall fell to the ground. The cries which came from that small boy after seeing his father hit the ground were so infuriating. I had no choice but to jump from the couch - barely ripping the computer cord from the wall - and run up the stairs and to our bathroom.

As I walked quickly away I kept repeating that I would be going upstairs and how I couldn't believe you were able to watch something like that. Your only response was, "It is only a video game...its not real." Have we as a society really become so numb that things like this don't bother us anymore?? No wonder why our children are threatened by gunmen at school!!

It took me a good 15 minutes to stop vomiting...and another 15 to stop crying...and even after a full 3 hours I still have not regained my composure. Call me crazy - call me emotional - call me what you wish...but honestly, I didn't ever want to see anything like that - animated or not.

I am not naive to reality and am fully aware this kind of behavior does occur in some parts of the world - but why would you feel so compelled as to bring it into our home? Is it really so much to ask that this kind of thing be kept away from the only true sanctuary we have on this Earth?! Couldn't you have at least WARNED me that something of that nature COULD happen and maybe I should leave the room?! I would have gone willingly...and respected you more for giving me a heads up. Now I'm sickened at the thought of you enjoying to play such trash...because that is what it is to me now...trash.

With a Lower Respect for You,

I am linking up with Shell today:


Anti-Supermom said...

sad... seriously, I don't know what to say...

Mass Hole Mommy said...

That's just appauling. It almost made me sick just reading about - I would have been traumatized if I had actually seen it, too.

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Wow. Terrible!!

Brynn @ said...

Wow, I can't even believe some of the "games" on the market today. So sad. What is fun about that?

Jessica {Team Rasler} said...

I would've been sick, too. Just reading it made me tear up. I don't understand how anyone could make a game like this, or play it. There is too much real-life heartache; why put it in "games" and call it entertainment??? I'm sorry such a game exists and that you had to see it.

The Blonde Duck said...

Dang. That's like when I watched an episode of Law and Order when a 14 y ear old was being raped while her family was forced to watch and my husband couldn't figure out why I was shaking, nearly vomiting and had nightmares for two weeks...

Shell said...

Ugh. Haven't seen any of those yet... and never want to. We'll stick with things like Mario.

Jessica said...

That's really troubling. I'm sorry you had to see that.

Quirky Homemaker said...

I would be upset too. And to think there might be kids out there playing it! It stinks. All of the rest of us can only do the best that we can do to shield the children from it. I know my husband lets my kids watch and listen to some pretty inappropriate stuff. Following you now from the weekend hop,
Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

Unknown said...

Although I've never witnessed anything that horrible in my husband's video games, I still hate them. I try to give him time to play them and relax and everything, but I hate the violence so much I lose my temper with him and I feel like I am starting to lose respect for him. Now I go visit my mother when he plays his violent games, and I take our daughter with me. It's hard to reason with him because he will stop playing just please me, but he doesn't see the reasoning at all and things I'm over-reacting. The thing is, he's just so desensitized to violence, he really can't see the problem. Since he grew up watching violent movies and video games, he is just used to it, as bad as that sounds.

I know how you feel a bit with the didn't breastfeed thing too. It's almost like extended breastfeeding in that people judge you. I remember when my daughter was born until she was around 4 months old, she was on both formula and breastmilk. I thought maybe I'd be accepted by both breastfeeding moms and formula feeding moms because I did both, but instead I was mostly disapproved of by both! It's amazing the amount of judgement you get no matter what situation you're in. My choices and life are no one else's business! Sorry, end of rant!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never experienced that in hubby's gaming, but I can imagine I would not have been as composed as you. I probably would have broken the disk and had to pay for it!

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