Sunday, August 7

{Recipe Sunday - Yummy Chicken Legs}

The Man frequently accuses me of making the same thing over and over...this is not true at all! In fact, I am good about making different things for The Man - since he HATES (and by HATES, I mean with a passion) eating the same thing twice! Hopefully this EASY chicken recipe will put some excitement into your dinner!

Yummy Chicken

6-8 chicken legs (I usually buy those super-duper family packs when they're on sale)
garlic salt
extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons butter

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Season the chicken legs with garlic salt (or garlic powder and salt, if you want more control of the seasonings) and put aside. Heat oil and butter in a deep pan just in case it starts to pop up at you. Once hot, place chicken legs in and rotate until brown on all sides. Place all legs into a glass dish - I use a 9x13 to ensure enough space - and put into oven. Leave them be for 20-30 minutes and ta-da...yummy chicken!!


LOVE MELISSA:) said...

Thanks for the add! Look forward to reading your blog.

annies home said...

these sound really good come see me at and see what I shared

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