Monday, January 25

Lesson #54 - Criminals Really ARE Idiots

I read about this just recently and couldn't help but share it:

A 29-year old guy was driving around Tennessee and figured he'd steal money out of a Coke machine outside of a Dollar General. Only problem was - he couldn't figure out how to get to said money in the machine. So, instead of just hopping into his car and trying to find another machine somewhere else - he decided it was a GREAT idea to just hook the machine to his truck and drag it down the highway.

Okay, so down the road goes this truck - never mind there are sparks flying every-which-way - and police following close behind...but not TOO close so as not to get any sparks onto the car. After 5 minutes of this, the machine comes off the chain and is sitting in the road. Can you imagine what some poor TN housewife was thinking when she was on her way home?? Just picture soccer mom driving back from her son's practice with his entire team in the van.

"Well, Jimmy, we can stop right here in the road if you're thirsty. Doesn't seem like a safe place to put a soda machine, but the distributors wouldn't have done it if they didn't think it would make money. A drive-thru soda machine...what a great idea!!"

I can see it now!!

Anyways, the police finally catch up to this hoodlum and used a Taser on his ass!! Okay, not directly on his ass, but they did zap him! Really?? Was that really necessary?? This moron just chained a soda machine to his truck in order to - what - pull it apart and get the money out?! Do you really think he is smart enough to figure out how to get away after he stops the truck?? I really don't think that Tennessee's finest had ANYTHING to worry about! Once I saw the video, though, I just laughed for HOURS...HOURS, I tell you!!! It is just THAT funny!

Without further ago...a video...for your viewing pleasure!!!

Gotta love the morons...without, whom, this world would be a VERY boring place!!


Margaret said...

You have to wonder what some people are thinking when they do such dumb things.

Shandal said...

Oh my goodness. What an idiot!

The Princess of Sarcasm said...

I bet he wished he'd stolen a beer cooler instead......

Mae Rae said...

the best part is listening to the quarters bounce up and hit the cruiser. that just makes the video.

Shell said...

Gotta love stupid people stories!

Liz Mays said...

How can people be THAT incredibly stupid?

Jesslyn said...

It cracks me up how LONG he was driving with the cops behind him.

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

It's painful that people that stupid exist in the world. Painful.

Loving Wife, Working Mom said...

I live in Western NC and for some reason was not surprised AT ALL when I saw this video... All I could do was shake my head and laugh...

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