Wednesday, December 2

Lesson #21: The Definition Of "Cool" Is Relative

I used to think that I was sooooo cool when I was younger! I still find myself to have a tinge of coolness left in me. I have worked in the bar industry and used to know everyone by name on a Saturday night. That is how one makes money, after making friends. I have done my share of oratory contests - and won, I might add - in front of a panel of judges. When I was in second grade, my teacher swore I would be the first female President (move over Hilary!).

The fact is, I never really did think I was so cool. I would take home every book imaginable from school - beginning in first grade! First grade, people!! I should have been going out to play after school - not worrying about 4th grade math! Then in high school I was a cheerleader, but I wasn't considered one of the pretty girls. I never would have dreamed of becoming Homecoming Queen or being named Most Popular by the yearbook staff.

Sure I was a member of a sorority in college, but those girls were more like my family...which is funny because I don't talk to many of them anymore. I gave up cheerleading to pursue my degree and just get the heck out of school!! I was not only carrying MORE than a full course-load each semester, but also working a full-time job. I was in such a rush to grow up that I forgot to live my life for the moment. I was cool to the only person who mattered - me.

Now, as an "adult", I am still keeping the same jam-packed schedule. I have traded in a full-time class schedule for a full-time work schedule and a full-time work schedule for full-time mommyhood PLUS full-time wifeyhood PLUS full-time housekeeperhood PLUS...well, you get the picture.

Mingling in bars dressed in short skirts and crop tops to make a lousy buck has been replaced with dancing around in my bra and undies trying to make the babe laugh - mommy would even settle for a smile!

Where I was once staying up all night to cram for an exam...I am not staying up all night to rock the babe to sleep...not because she is fussy, but because I just don't want to put her down and miss a minute!

Days of attending frat parties and puffy paint parties (for those of you who don't know - this is where all attendees wear white t-shirts and draw on each other with various colors of the silly raised paint of fun) have been pushed aside with nights of cuddling on the couch with the man in front of a good movie or funny TV show.

The ones I thought were "cool" back in the day aren't as cool as I thought they were. As long as the babe is healthy and the man is fed - I am the "cool" one. Honestly...I wouldn't trade ANY of it for the world. I am truly blessed!


Lifeofkaylen said... 1

Ha - puffy paint parties!!
My cousin and I used to get together with our big collections of puffy paints and paint onesies for our babies. I had no idea people got together and painted on each others shirts-love it!!

I think it might have been a typo, but if not, you watch "god movies?" I didn't know there was such a genre. :)

AiringMyLaundry said... 2

I remember puffy paint! I had a t-shirt that I decorated with the stuff.

EP said... 3

It's funny how our perspective changes as we grow older. As someone who was the stereotypical nerd throughout my schooling, it's amusing to look back or to run into the people who I thought were the coolest. Because, let's be honest, some of them just aren't. And it's funny now.

And thank you for reminding me of the puff paint parties -- or graffiti exchanges, as we called them in my sorority. Those were some good days...

Shell said... 4

Don't you wish that we had slowed down and enjoyed things like college and the early years after that? I don't know why I felt so stressed and like I needed to accomplish everything so quickly.

Anyway, for the time being, my kids think I'm pretty cool, which counts for a lot. But, I'm sure that won't last long!

MommyLisa said... 5

Isn't it weird how you "lose" people? I am connected to a bunch of people from high school on Facebook, but honestly - there are VERY few of them I care if I ever see again.

Shandal said... 6

Ah, you is all growed up. :) I love my adult/mommy life more than my wild party days. I don't have any regrets and I love the way my life is today.

said... 7

Back in college I went out with a group of friends every Thursday for "bar night". It was a sacred thing, and all through senior year I only missed one night. These days, just the thought of going out to the bars once a week is exhausting, nevermind going out on a weeknight.

glitterbygrammie said... 8

Thanks for the reminder of what we used to be. We all like to take that rip now and again and need to. I like looking at what I have become.
I always wanted to be a 3rd grade teacher. I figured by then they would have the reading down and all doors would be opened for them. Never happened for me. Instead I became a mother and now a grandmother and I finally found out I was that teacher after all. Just took me awhile to see it.

Mae Rae said... 9

I think that you put a little bit of the wondering bug into me with this post. It is amazing how as adults we look back and think remember when and then become happy where we are for the time.

Melinda said... 10

Being a mommy just changes everything, doesn't it? My children are constantly changing my perspective and building my character by challenging me to give and love and face things about myself. Parenting is so hard. And it gets more difficult as they get older, but I am so grateful I have them!

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your honesty and your blog design is too cute! ;0)

Helene said... 11

Yeah I thought I was cool way back when as well. But it doesn't compare to how cool I feel now, as a mom and a wife. It's amazing how our outlook on things changes as we go through life!

Thanks for the follow! I'm following you now too!

Lee said... 12

That's a great post. I'm not cool. but, I do a great job pretending.

Hair Bows & Guitar Picks said... 13

I remember the puffy paint...LOL

You are cool in my book!


i am 100% sorority girl - i am all over the puffy paint

yes our definitions of cool do change, don't they?

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said... 15

The cool thing about getting older is that one realizes just how cool they actually are. It's nice to be confident in myself and my choices. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Annie said... 16

crazy how the things that used to be the 'coolest' dont even matter anymore, huh?!
great post!

thanks for stopping by my blog today!!

Jen said... 17

I think you can call this lesson learned b/c you are one cool mommy.

Stopped by from SITS to say hi and welcome.

Menopausal New Mom said... 18

I loved this post. I can so relate to how our perceptions of cool change. I'm like you, as long as my daughter is content and my hubby is happy, I am cool!

Anti-Supermom said... 19

It's all in the perspective isn't it.

Puffy paint parties... I didn't know people actually gathered together to paint, puffy style; but maybe I'm just not cool enough to know that ;)

Samantha said... 20

Now I find myself trying to keep up with the "cool" Moms. Not as easy anymore though. Our typical nights sound similar to yours, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

Anonymous said... 21

Truly blessed indeed. From one cool mom to another...have a wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by my blog, SITSta!

Kristi, Hello...Is This On?

Multiple personalities.. said... 22

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm so glad you did, because I got to read such a great post. Like you, my version of what's 'cool' has completely changed since highschool, and now in my 30s, I know that what makes me cool are the truly important parts of my life: my awesome family, my well-being, and just my overall mission to live an enriched life. So thanks for this post, it's quite inspiring! :-D

~SHANNON~ said... 23

Isn't it amazing what we will do to get a baby to smile or laugh?? I am exactly the same way!

Oh- and you must come back and tell me your bacon vodka recipe!!! You cannot dangle that in front of me and then leave! lol.

Many thanks for visiting me on my SITS day!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said... 24

I am in love with this post! I used to cocktail at a bar, party at SEC frat parties galore can currently find me in sweats doing the shoulda put a ring on it dance for my toddler. Oh how times have changed. Ah ha

The Princess of Sarcasm said... 25

I much prefer the adult life.....though it probably has to do with being poor in college. My parents thought that would "keep me outta trouble." Ha! It just made me flirt with ugly guys for easy drinks. Suckas.... ;)

Anonymous said... 26

I remember puffy paint too. I too find it interesting how people that were "cool" when I was younger aren't necessarily that any longer. I prefer adulthood too.

pk @ Room Remix

Jesslyn said... 27

Returning the visit from SITS. What a great post! I traded in a "cool" career for being a baby-food covered mommy of a two year old and 10 month old twins. Thanks for the perspective today!


Tina L. Hook said... 28

Puffy Paint parties? SERIOUSLY? How did I miss out on these? I am thinkin' about rounding up the Hubs and having a paint party for two. After a few beers he will agree to just about anything.

Great post. It is funny and wonderful how things change.

Thanks for visiting my little ol' blog.

Beth Dunn said... 29

Ah yes to be cool! xoxo


Tracie said... 30

I was cool for about 6 months in the 8th grade. I guess I peaked early because I haven't been since.

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